Statistics overview

Reliable performance is important in order to encourage and maintain the usage of quality web-based services. Our aim is to have the Manchester City Council website available for use at all times throughout the year.

This is not always possible due to essential maintenance, but we are committed to making our site available as close to 100% as possible.

Website availability and performance statistics for 2022.
Month Pages Viewed Unique Visitors
January 10853301 0
February 9319904 0
March 10543283 0
April 10285367 0
May 10890197 0
June 9838598 0
July 9779853 0
August 9993506 0
September 10102417 0
October 9978167 0
November 9615980 0
December 9452759 0

Unique Visitors: This figure represents the number of unique visitors during the relevant period. This means that any visitor who has already been to the site during this period is not counted again.

Pages Viewed: This figure represents the total number of pages requested from the web site. If a visitor visits a page more than once during the same session or in the relevant period, it is re-counted.