Consultations and surveys NOMA Consultation

What is NOMA?


The NOMA estate covers approximately 20 acres and represents  key regeneration for the city centre. NOMA is located at the Northern Gateway to the City Centre, adjacent to Victoria train station and the Shudehill transport interchange.

In July 2009, the Executive approved a Strategic Regeneration Framework which set out a vision for a commercially-led neighbourhood with a mixture of uses over the next 15-20 years. 

Since then NOMA has become an important commercial destination, which supports the city’s key strategic objectives. Regeneration at NOMA has created commercial spaces, jobs, new homes, place making, and inward investment. However, this has not been without its challenges; and connectivity, the integration of underutilised sites and refurbishing listed heritage assets need to be addressed.

The historic estate is unique to NOMA and sets it apart from other regeneration areas in Manchester providing varied architectural style and character which makes it highly attractive to visitors and businesses. The refurbishment and repurposing of these buildings, many of which are Grade II listed, has and will continue to represent a challenge. Four of the ten buildings which make up the historic estate are now complete.

Development has also supported the creation of a new high quality neighbourhood, a decade on from the approval of the original framework, over a third of the original jobs target have been delivered (5,300), and in the next 2 years a further 5,300 jobs are expected as part of the recently consented schemes. Additionally significant investment has been made into the public realm and community and leisure facilities, including delivering enhancements at Angel Meadows and the creation of a new public square, Sadler’s Yard.  

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