What support is on offer?
The programme is flexible so your group will be able to access training and support based on the specific needs and goals of your project. Below is a brief overview of what support is available through joining the Growing Manchester programme:
Introduction to Fruit and Vegetable Growing Training
Practical and theory based horticultural training for groups to aid skills and confidence on a range of topics, e.g. planning your plot; soil types and testing; preparing a bed; practical growing skills such as seed sowing, pricking out, potting on; pests & diseases, plant care, and harvesting and storing. Courses can run at a variety of places, such as onsite at your growing plot, or at dedicated training centres and allotment sites across Manchester. On site courses will be prioritised for groups where it may not be appropriate for the group to travel to another location, for example where the majority of the group are children.
Site Assessments and Plans
Site assessments and plans are best suited to groups who are just starting to grow on a new site. Assessments comprise of a site survey to determine site dimensions, soil type, growing conditions, existing vegetation, physical constraints, and drainage and security issues. Your group will receive advice on what to grow, how to improve the site, a planting schedule and site plan.
Strong Roots Workshop
A one day workshop designed to provide you with an understanding of the key elements that make a successful and sustainable food growing project, covering vision and planning, people, legalities and funding, land and design, sustainable growing and food. Informative, interactive and inspiring, the workshops will give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to develop your community food growing project. All groups new to Growing Manchester are encouraged to attend the Strong Roots workshop as it is essential to establish a group’s needs.
Community Development Support
Advice and support to groups on a one to one, short term basis to help you achieve clearly identified objectives. For example, you might need help with general capacity-building, service planning, marketing / promotions, organising events, applying for funding, developing policies and procedures or advice on becoming a social enterprise etc, which will enable you to become a sustainable and successful food growing project.
Additional Training Courses
Additional courses are available for groups looking to expand or develop their project and include topics such as fundraising; an introduction to beekeeping; an introduction to keeping chickens; carbon literacy; basic carpentry; composting; container growing; fruit tree maintenance; green roofs; wildlife gardening; advanced food growing techniques; and cookery. Courses are subject to seasonality and minimum attendance from groups across the programme.
Our delivery partners Sow the City consult with groups to identify the level of interest in the above courses to help inform the programme offer and scheduling. On site courses will be prioritised for groups whereby it may not be appropriate for the group to travel to another location, for example where the majority of the group are children.