Who should apply?
Growing Manchester is aimed at supporting Manchester residents and communities with an enthusiasm to grow food. This includes groups and organisations already involved in food growing or gardening who need support and advice (e.g. community allotments or gardening groups), or groups and organisations who want to get involved in food growing.
We’re particularly keen to hear from community food growing projects which have an understanding of the wider benefits of food growing in terms of improving health, confidence and self-esteem; protecting the local environment; helping to build new or strengthen existing links with local communities; increasing the access to and sourcing of local food, and above all the enjoyment of good food.
There are a wide range of groups currently on the programme including community allotment holders, community and voluntary organisations, children's centres, schools, day care centres, community centres, youth centres, neighbourhood care groups, residential homes, registered social landlords, housing trusts, and supported housing accommodation centres.
All applications to join the programme are made via an application process and are assessed by a panel. For more information, email Sow the City at info@sowthecity.org.