Health and wellbeing Growing Manchester

Application process

Community food growing groups wanting to join the Growing Manchester programme need to complete an application form. The application period is usually late September to mid-October every year, however, we do occasionally accept applications at other times of the year.

Completed application forms must be returned to our delivery partner Sow the City by email or by post.

A panel will discuss all applications and make recommendations for support.  Please note, we may need to consider the spread of the successful applications across the City.

For the next growing season / calendar year, successful applications will be advised by late October.

If your group is successful, we will then discuss with you what opportunities are available for training and support, based on the information provided in your application.

We will also send out information pertaining to the Strong Roots introductory course, however, applications submitted at other times of the year will not have access to this course as we only run it once a year, usually in late November. 

If your group is unsuccessful, we will be happy to discuss other food growing initiatives in Manchester.

If you'd like to join Growing Manchester, request an application form from Sow the City at


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