Planning and regeneration Core Strategy

Manchester's Core Strategy was adopted on 11 July 2012 and is the key Development Plan document in the Local Development Framework (LDF). It replaces significant elements of the existing Unitary Development Plan (UDP) as the document that sets out the long term strategic policies for Manchester's future development and will form the framework that planning applications will be assessed against. We also keep a copy of extant UDP policies.

Manchester's Core Strategy was updated following the adoption of Places for Everyone (PfE) Joint Development Plan in March 2024. The Addendum to Manchester Core Strategy 2024 lists sections of Core Strategy policies replaced by PfE policies and must be read alongside the Core Strategy.

You can download the adopted Core Strategy, the Interactive Proposals map and a PDF file of the Proposals Map and the Adoption Statement. The Proposals Map shows both Core Strategy and extant UDP.

Core Strategy Development Plan document - errata note issued 31 July 2012

We adopted the Core Strategy Development Plan document on 11 July 2012. The version which was adopted on this date contained typographical errors which have now been corrected.  The Adopted Core Strategy has now been amended to incorporate these corrections.

Hearing sessions for the Independent Examination into Manchester 's Core Strategy took place in November 2011.

You can also view the evidence base documents supporting the Core Strategy when it was submitted to the Secretary of State on 18 July 2011. This followed the Publication consultation stage in February and March 2011

The submission documents and evidence are also available on CD in Manchester libraries.

Work began on the Core Strategy in 2005 and the public and other stakeholders have been involved throughout the process. Comments received during the consultation process can be found at the planning policy Consultation Site, where you can also register for email alerts.

Alternatively you can contact us by post at:

Planning Strategy Team
Manchester City Council
M60 2BR

Or email:

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