Planning and regeneration Local Plan

The local plan review

Development in Manchester is at record levels: investment here is creating jobs and new homes are being built. At the same time, we want any future growth to support our ambition to be a zero-carbon city by 2038 or before.

To achieve this, we're reviewing our existing Local Plan and its key issues.

The 'Manchester Local Plan'

Our existing local plan sets out Manchester's approach to development and is used to guide decisions on planning applications across the city.

To make sure it fits our needs and ambitions for the next 15 years, the first step was to look at what the new local plan should cover: we called this the Issues Consultation stage and the formal consultation finished on 1 May 2020. The next stage will be the draft Local Plan, which will have more detail on how the city will deal with the main issues it is facing.

See consultation documents and responses

Supporting evidence

As part of the preparation for the new Local Plan we are preparing studies into a range of subjects so that we have the most up-to-date understanding of issues that the plan will cover. As these studies are prepared, links will be provided via the Supporting Evidence page.

If you have any further questions or queries, contact us by email:

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