This consultation is now closed
Integrated Appraisal Scoping Report
As part of the development of the new Local Plan, we need to undertake an assessment of any draft policies and potential options through a process known as sustainability appraisal.
This requires the draft plan to be assessed in terms of the its potential economic, social and environmental impacts. Alongside this, we are also required to undertake an equalities impact assessment of the plan. We can also consider using a health impact assessment to look at how the plan may impact on various aspects of health across the area. The three assessments can be considered within one integrated appraisal process.
The first stage in undertaking the integrated appraisal is to consult on a scoping report. This sets out how the various appraisals will be undertaken. With respect to the sustainability appraisal, there is a statutory requirement to consult with the Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England on the scoping report. In addition, we have contacted all persons and organisations on our current Local Plan consultee database seeking their views.
For more detailed information on this consultation, download and read our SA SEA report
Have your say
The consultation on the Integrated Appraisal will run for five weeks from Friday 25 August 2021 to Friday 1 October 2021.
Comments on the Integrated Appraisal Scoping Report can be sent by:
- Emailing your comments to
- Sending your comments by post to: Planning Strategy, City Policy, MCC, Level 3 Town Hall Extension, PO Box 532, Manchester M60 2LA