Supporting evidence
We are preparing a new Local Plan. The links on this page take you to documents that will form part of its evidence base.
Further links will be added as more evidence is prepared.
Manchester Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy (2022-2031)
Working with partners, we have produced a Needs Assessment, Strategy and Action Plan for outdoor sports facilities to guide the future provision and management of playing pitch and outdoor sport facilities in the Manchester local authority area. Manchester’s Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2031) is now live and provides the evidence base of current and future needs for outdoor sports facilities, using national Sport England guidance. Strategy findings will be help inform planning policy and other relevant corporate strategies to enable the recommendations and site-specific actions contained within the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy to be effectively and efficiently implemented. The documents have been informed by extensive national and local stakeholder consultation and community engagement, and data analysis review to provide the facility needs and recommendations for action.
The Facility Needs Assessment Report sets out the up-to-date supply and demand information and considers the future demands arising from the planned level of growth proposed up to 2031, alongside increases in participation from targeted sport specific programmes. The Strategy and associated Action Plan recommends the priority projects to be realised over the Local Plan period to ensure there is a sufficient supply to meet current and projected demand, responding to the issues arising from the assessment report.
Together, these will be the key documents to inform planning applications for development of playing field land in consultation with Sport England as a statutory consultee, and National Governing Bodies of Sport as appropriate.
See the Facility Needs Assessment and Strategy Documents for information, which are hosted on the Mcr Active site. These documents will remain live and will be monitored, implemented, and updated annually throughout the lifespan of the Strategy (2022 – 2031).