Manchester’s great outdoors – a green and blue infrastructure strategy for Manchester
Gardens, golf courses, parks, allotments, woods, ponds and canals - Manchester’s great outdoors has something for everybody, and will play a huge role as the City grows and thrives over the coming years. These spaces will provide a kind of life support system for the City. Great places for health and recreation, havens for wildlife, a backdrop for investment and so much more.
Our green and blue spaces (Green Infrastructure or GI for short) have been the focus of an exciting, innovative and extensive strategy and action plan that aims to highlight their incredible value and functionality.
Working together with a range of partners and employing cutting edge technology backed up by an extensive evidence base, for the first time ever we have started to qualify and quantify the extent and value of the City’s Green Infrastructure.
We have developed a long term vision that will be realised over the next ten years; a vision that will see Manchester as a truly Green City with Green Infrastructure at its heart.
This was updated in 2022, with a new GI Implementation Plan being developed, highlighting approaches, challenges and projects that will help bring the strategy to life over the coming years. Read our 2022 Green and Blue infrastructure refresh plan
The GI strategy has been recognised as a UK best practice exemplar by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental management (CIEEM), winning the National Award for Knowledge Sharing.