The Council and democracy Climate Change Action Plan - Progress Update Q1 April - June 2022

Workstream 5 - Catalysing Change

5.1     Carbon Literacy training is now mandatory for all staff, which has had a positive impact on the uptake. 1,402 Council staff and 54 elected members have undertaken the training and received certification from the Carbon Literacy Project. A further 50 staff are awaiting their certification. 
Officers are engaging with Member Services to set up dedicated carbon literacy training sessions for the remaining members who are not yet certified. 
Recruitment for the additional capacity to manage the Carbon Literacy training programme was unsuccessful, so the post has been readvertised with a closing date of the 6th June 2022. 
5.3    Zero carbon as a priority has been included within 2022-23 Service Plan template, which has been completed by around 50 Council services. The responses from services to the zero carbon priority will be collated to understand what actions are taking place across the organisation. 
Budget for 2022-23 includes additional capacity across all five workstreams to support delivery the Climate Change Action Plan.
The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Team are taking the learnings from embedding climate action within the Culture Grants and applying this to the Our Manchester VCSE grants.
5.4    Six community groups established through the In Our Nature programme continue to receive ongoing support to implement practical improvements in their areas. Each group is focusing on the issues related to their communities, with ambition to engage more residents through a number of events and consultations. Some examples of the activities being held include:

  • the creation of an ‘Eco Street’ in Miles Platting 
  • upcycling 50 Intermediate Bulk Containers into planters to install along roads, parks and neglected spaces across Hulme
  • ‘Rewilding Rusholme’ which aims to bring nature back to Rusholme through planting pollution capturing hedges, restoration of the sensory garden and litter picking
  • Enhancement of the ‘MossSide Story’ hub sharing climate related stories, workshops, and training to inspire climate action amongst residents
  • Grierson Street Community Garden – community green hub hosting weekly training and workshops, such as sustainable food growing

Manchester Climate Change Agency commissioned Walk the Plank to tour an interactive art and theatre installation across five areas, with the aim of addressing common myths around climate change and ‘bust’ them in a fun, family friendly, hour-long show. The tour was very well received and engaged around 100 people.
Citywide communications campaigns under the ‘In Our Nature’ banner continues to be led by the project partner Hubbub. A full bid for £2.5m to the National Lottery Community Fund has been submitted to further support this work over the next 3 years. The outcome is expected late June 2022. 

5.5    An engagement toolkit and sustainable merchandise have been created for the Neighbourhoods teams to use in community engagement, and the new Neighbourhood section on the Council’s Zero Carbon website pages is now live. This section covers local action and projects, including In Our Nature and the Neighbourhood Investment Fund, ward climate action plans and Climate Change Neighbourhood Officers contact details.
Monthly meetings with the Communications team, Executive Member for Environment, Deputy Chief Executive and Zero Carbon team continue to take place and provide opportunity to discuss and highlight good news stories and projects within the climate agenda. Internal Communications continue to showcase ongoing projects and shine a light on staff stories.
5.6    Council funding has unlocked new financial contributions from the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) to fund an additional Deputy Director role at the Manchester Climate Change Agency (MCCA). Further funding is required to support delivery of the In Our Nature programme and continuation of a Youth Lead role. 
5.7    The refresh of the Manchester Climate Change Framework will be completed over summer 2022 and will provide an opportunity for new engagement with partners. Changes are being made to Manchester Climate Change Agency reporting to ensure clarity, particularly around actions for Manchester Climate Change Partnership members. 
5.8       Preparations for the Bee Green Education Summit are underway. The event will be held on 30th June at the Connell Co-op College and aims to support school leaders, business managers and governors with practical ideas and resources to support change and receive tools and advice from experts. The event will cover subjects such as reducing energy consumption, promoting active travel, waste management and recycling, nature-based solutions and more. 
A Hub with environmental resources will be launched following the event to support schools to develop their own climate change action plans. 
A two-day Student Assembly will also take place on 21st and 22nd June across 6 different locations with different clusters of schools. The Student Assembly aims to encourage young people to work together, influence Government and work with their schools to tackle climate change.  
5.9    Executive Members and Senior Officers continue to represent Manchester's interests on a number of Greater Manchester Boards including GMCA, Green City Region Partnership, Wider Leadership and Directors of Place. Recent items the Council has contributed to include: Housing Retrofit Accelerator; Green Spaces Fund; Mayors Cycling & Walking Challenge Fund and City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement. Joint work with the GMCA has been undertaken to support the UK Cities Climate Investment Commission. 
5.11    The European funded Zero Carbon Cities project final event takes place on 9th June 2022 in Manchester at Central Library and virtually. The event will mark the end of the project and provide an opportunity to showcase the outcomes of the project. Attendees will include project partners from across the city and Europe and city stakeholders. Attendees will also have an opportunity to join a guided tour of West Gorton ‘Sponge’ Park. 
MCCA have secured funding to support the delivery of training on renewable energy to communities in Manchester as part of a multi-city, European funded 3-year project called TRANSIT, which will provide €98,000 (approx. £80,000) and is led by the Innovation and Research in Malta. 
5.12    The new Work & Skills Strategy is planned to go to Executive in July 2022. A Green Skills Action Plan is being developed based on the five proposed priorities in the "Liveable and Low Carbon" section of the Work & Skills Strategy. Partner engagement in developing the action plan is planned to take place at a workshop on 7th June. 
The Work & Skills Team have commissioned Groundwork to deliver ‘Every Job is a Green Job’ programme, working with schools and career leads to make young people aware of job opportunities in the green sector. The team are also working with Manchester College on the development of a Retrofit Skills Academy in the city. 

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