Our Town Hall apprentices 2017-2019

Our first group of six apprentices started their time on the Our Town Hall Project long before the building even closed. The photograph shows (left to right) Judah Baxendale, Tyler Eason, Chloe Payne, Matt McGowan, Greg Sayle and Dylan Pritchard.
Appointed via the mFutures apprenticeships scheme by the project’s six design partners (Arup, Faithful&Gould, Mace, PlanitIE, Purcell and Ramboll) Chloe, Dylan, Greg, Judah, Matt and Tyler joined their respective “host” firms before rotating through each of the six partner organisations. They all learnt skills relating to architecture and architectural heritage, project management, quantity surveying and engineering. We spoke to them as they graduated in the summer of 2019:
We asked Chloe to think back to when she first applied to do the apprenticeship: had her experience matched what her expectations were at the time?
“I didn’t expect the rotations to be as beneficial as they were: the Architect and Structural Engineering placements were the best placements for me. I felt that they really got me involved, providing me with fantastic opportunities to learn and understand structural engineering.”
We asked Matt what aspect of the apprenticeship he had enjoyed the most:
“The opportunities: I was involved in a condition survey on Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. A colleague and I went up to the crown of the Cathedral in a cradle - it was a lot of work and scary at times but the experience was invaluable. I’ll always remember it!“
Dylan told us what he’s moving on to:
“When I started I had my mind set on what I was interested in, but that all changed after four months of Quantity Surveying at Faithful & Gould, when I realised that was what I wanted to do. I’ve been fortunate enough to secure a position with them, and in time, I’ll be going on to do my Quantity Surveying degree and become chartered in the process.”