Health and wellbeing Making Manchester Fairer

Tackling health inequalities in Manchester 2022-2027  

Manchester is a great city, but not all residents have the same opportunities to be healthy and well, or to reach their full potential. 

This results in health inequalities – the preventable gaps between people with the worst health and people with the best health.

Making Manchester Fairer is the city’s new action plan to tackle that gap over the next five years, and with a view to the long-term. The plan is based on what Manchester’s residents and staff from a range of organisations and agencies have told us in recent years, as well as the evidence of what works from research and experts on health inequalities.

It doesn’t stop here though. We will continue to work collaboratively with residents and organisations alike, so that the people who know Manchester best are at the heart of developing and delivering this plan.

Anti-Poverty Strategy

Our Anti-Poverty Strategy draws upon evidence from residents, organisations, and national research to produce evidenced based recommendations to tackle poverty, its causes, and consequences.

Download the Making Manchester Fairer: Anti-Poverty Strategy 2023-2027

The Making Manchester Fairer Podcast

This podcast series takes a deep dive into the pressing issue of inequality in Manchester, and its impact on people's lives. From health and wealth to various social issues, we explore how it's affecting our city.  

Download each episode for free or listen live at Making Manchester Fairer |   

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