Map and list of locations included in the trial
The specific changes that are planned to be part of the trial include:
- Filters in the following locations:
- Burlington Road at Heaton Road
- Parsonage Road at Heaton Road
- Parsonage Road at Wilmslow Road
- Parsonage Road at Alan Road
- Parsonage Road at Parrs Wood Road
- Stephens Road at Heycroft Road and Fairholme Road
- Fairholm Road at School Grove
- Alan Road at Arnfield Road
- Heaton Road at Arnfield Road
- One way traffic in the following locations:
- South to north on Heaton Road between Parsonage Road and Tallarn Close
- North to south on Harcombe Road and west to east on Endsleigh Road
This map shows the boundary of the scheme area and location of traffic changes.