Delivery of the project and what it means for local people
In the early stages of this project the team worked with local people to create a design for the Safer Streets project. A leaflet with the planned improvements was sent out to all households in June 2022, and a feedback event was held.
The results from the survey and design drop in event have been reviewed and considered, and we are now accessing further funding from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and are getting ready to deliver this proposal as a trial.
See the outcome of the previous engagement sessions
How the trial will work
This means that following technical review of the locations we will install temporary measures, and monitor the scheme and its impact for a period of at least 6 months. We will be asking for your feedback throughout the trial.
Temporary measures such as wooden planters will be used as filters which are simple and adaptable to any feedback that may come through during the trial.
This is an effective way to see how the ideas work in real life and find out what local people think before anything becomes permanent.
We have had detailed conversations with some key stakeholders, like emergency services and local schools, producing a detailed technical design based on the concept already produced and working with TfGM to access further funding from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to deliver the trial. There is also a legal process to follow to make the changes. The trial will run for 6 months from mid August.
Find out more about trial and share your feedback
About modal filters
A modal filter stops vehicles passing through but allows pedestrians, wheelchair users, scooters and cyclists through.
This prevents rat running while ensuring all local properties can still be accessed by car. Modal filters can be as simple as a single bollard, or could include seating, planting and play equipment.