Phase one – installation of permanent filters
Work on the thirteen phase 1 filters, which started last year, is now complete including signage, planting and lining.

One of the recently installed modal filters at Guildford Road
The proposal to install two filters at the East end of Manor Road is progressing, following consultation with local residents. The next stage is a Traffic Regulation Order – a legal process which is currently underway and due to finish early February. Depending on the outcome of that process, work on these filters is planned to commence in Spring 2023.
Manor Road modal filter– revised proposals
Last year a temporary filter was installed on Manor Road, between the junctions with Audley Road and Mount Road for a trial period. This was later removed as a result of feedback around anti-social behaviour issues in the area. An alternative location was then consulted on near the junction with Rushmere Avenue, and as part of the legal traffic regulation order (TRO) process, objection was raised by the local community.
Since then, the project team had consulted with Councillors, local stakeholders, local residents and Greater Manchester Police etc. about alternative solutions, and a third option is now being explored – having two set of modal filters on Manor Road, one near the junction with Audley Road, and one near the junction with Mount Road, with a prohibition of driving between the two filters. This would effectively create a traffic-free area between the two green spaces either side of Manor Road – Greenbank Park to the North, and Greenbank Playing Fields to the South.
There would be a formal, legal traffic regulation order (TRO) consultation process in new year, and - subject to its outcome, procurement and funding approval - this could be then made permanent.
These will incorporate drop-down bollards for emergency services and maintenance / refuse collection vehicles and will look similar to the image below.

Filters with removable bollards provide vital access to communities, by emergency services or for refuse collection. No-one is permitted to park blocking this access, as it is needed 24 hours a day for emergency services.
Parking issues raising serious community safety concerns
A number of concerns have been raised recently with us around parking in the Active Neighbourhood area.
Cars blocking filters
The first of these is parked cars blocking filters. Our filters generally have one or more removable bollards, which mean that emergency services can quickly access an incident by passing through them. If cars are parked blocking this access at a filter, it could result in delay and prevent emergency services from reaching a serious incident quickly. We are working with neighbourhood colleagues and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Services to raise awareness locally of the importance of keeping filters clear. Vehicles also must not be parked adjacent to any footway, cycle track or verge that has been dropped or raised to meet the level of the carriageway in order to assist pedestrians crossing the carriageway or assist cyclists or vehicles entering or leaving the carriageway. We are also working with Parking Services, whose Civil Enforcement officers will issue penalty notices to vehicles which are parked irresponsibly.
Another issue is parking near schools in the area, particularly near Levenshulme High School and Alma Park Primary. The schools are talking to parents and carers, but we also wanted to remind everyone of the impact on safety of children travelling to school which dangerous parking can have, especially parking on footways.
Please be aware that while schemes are being delivered, there will be a need for some traffic management to allow work to take place safely. While disruption will be kept to a minimum, if you are used to parking in this area, please allow extra time to find a safe parking space if your usual spot is not available.
Ongoing issues with any obstructive parking once the scheme is in place will be reviewed, and additional measures may be taken to ensure that footways and paths remain clear.
If you have any concerns or feedback around these works, please contact the project team by emailing on