Manchester Cycleway
We are about to start work on a Safer Street scheme for the Manchester Cycleway that will deliver vital improvements.
GMCA and Manchester City Council were successful in a bid for Safer Streets funding, provided by Home Office.
We know from previous consultations that the existing urban greenway along the Fallowfield Loop and Stockport Branch Canal (Yellow Brick Road) is cherished for its rural feel within an urban environment. Priorities for improvements include:
- Addressing personal safety and anti-social behaviour
- Providing a more open route
- Connecting to surrounding neighbourhoods
- Revitalising the existing landscape to create more open and less intimidating environment for users
- Upgrading access points to make the entrances prominent and the route accessible, creating a more inviting route to travel along.
Other issues include poor access to and from the Fallowfield Loop and Stockport Branch Canal (Yellow Brick Road), and general signage and visibility along the route. Feedback told us that by improving the existing access points and creating more, would make the route more attractive and potentially reduce crime and anti-social behaviour by providing a “safety in numbers” approach.
We have used this feedback to inform our plans for using the new Safer Streets funding that include the following measures:
- Site clearance and landscaping
- Access point improvements with new entry markers and illuminated bollards
- New and replacement signs along the whole route, and linked to access point
- New fences, guard rails and barriers.
Additionally, the funding will look at areas that need resurfacing prioritised such as where tree routes have caused the current surface to buckle/break up.