Ancoats Green design workshops - summary and feedback
Two design workshops were held on 12 October 2022 at 12noon to 1.30pm and 5.30pm to 7pm at Halle St Michael’s. In total twenty-eight members of the public and two ward members attended the design workshops.
1,635 letters were sent to all land and property owners and residents within the consultation boundary area, providing an invitation to the in-person design workshops. The workshops were also promoted on social media channels within the ward area.
Feedback from the consultation was positive, with key themes as follows:
- Jersey Street Green – positive responses were received in relation to the inclusion of the ‘Jersey Street Green’ as an extension of the green space and green links within the Poland Street Zone.
- Amenity provision – respondents were supportive of play equipment being located within Ancoats Green as there is a lack of facilities nearby. A mix of informal and formal play equipment was supported, and accessible play facilities were also supported.
- Maintenance – respondents noted that maintenance and management of any new street furniture or play equipment would be very important to ensure that the facilities can be enjoyed. Additionally, comments noted that more bins were required in the area to reduce littering.
- Crime and Safety – respondents were supportive of any measures that will help to address crime and anti-social behaviour, in particular increased lighting and natural surveillance.
- Vehicles and parking – comments highlighted that fly-parking in the area is a key issue. Respondents were therefore supportive of traffic management and increasing pedestrian connectivity.
- Habitat – respondents were supportive of a variety of trees and planting within Ancoats Green and the surrounding area. Fruit trees in particular were highly requested.
- Heritage – respondents were supportive of the heritage of the site being interpreted through a range of methods, including influencing the play equipment and materials, and the provision of information boards.