Ways we might handle a complaint
Mediation services
Sometimes we may offer mediation as a way to resolve the complaint. This option may be offered as a way forward at any stage of a complaint.
The Mediation Service is independent and mediators are trained to be impartial and will help to support both sides in finding solutions that work.
Dealing with repeating complaints
We are committed to dealing with all complaints fairly and impartially, and to providing a high quality service to those who make them. However, there are occasions when contact from a complainant becomes too frequent or complex that it hinders our consideration of their complaints, or those made by other people. We refer to such complainants as either vexatious or unreasonably persistent, and in such cases we may take action to limit the contact the complainant has with us. Such occurrences are rare, and we will first write to the complainant to advise that their contact is no longer considered reasonable.