The Council and democracy Our approach to equality

Objective 1 – Promoting inclusive employment and work

Secure work is key to improving lives and tackling inequality. It must have good terms and conditions and pay the living wage. We have four aims that help track our progress.

To lead by example

Our workforce should represent our city’s diverse communities. That includes at leadership level. We'll achieve this through our refreshed workforce equality strategy and plan. It will set clear performance goals – reviewed each year to measure their impact.

To promote good employment practices

As the civic leader in the city, we'll promote our good employment practices. We’ll ask our partners and key stakeholders to do more.

We'll champion inclusive, representative and accountable decision-making. And challenge leaders to address inequalities. We'll focus on reducing inequality in learning opportunities and employment outcomes. For this we'll use our work and skills strategy. We'll focus on:

  • communities facing racial inequality
  • disabled residents
  • people facing extra barriers to accessing the job market

To promote social value

As a major institution in the city, we promote social value with our partners. This will continue to boost local economies. It's particularly important for the most deprived areas of the city. Better local economic opportunity improves the lives of people living in the areas.

To support people to get help

Our research shows that employment is not always the most suitable option. For our most ‘at risk’ residents there can be other ways to enrich their lives. We can help them to access the right services at the right time. 

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