Roads and transport Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood Scheme Updates

December 2023

A6 Stockport Road - Sparrow Crossing between Mayford Road and Belvoir Avenue 

The consultation around this proposed element of the active neighbourhood, to create a crossing on the A6 Stockport Road at its junction with Mayford Road and Belvoir Avenue is now live.  

The crossing proposed is a ‘sparrow’ type crossing where pedestrians and cyclists can cross parallel to each other separately. The crossing would link Mayfield Road to Belvoir Avenue and make crossing the A6 in this area much safer. The proposal also includes installing a filter at the junction of Belvoir Avenue with Stockport Road (A6). This is for safety reasons, and because the crossing could not function if traffic was entering and exiting Belvoir Avenue – all business and residential properties would still have access but may need to take a slightly longer route.   

The crossing at the junction would replace the one further north on Stockport Road, which would be removed. 

Please visit the dedicated consultation page with a detailed plan for the scheme.

To let us have your feedback, you can: 

  • complete the brief survey by 17 December. 

  • come along to the in-person drop in event: 5.45pm to 7.45pm, Wednesday 13 December at The Inspire Centre, 747 Stockport Road, Levenshulme, Manchester, M19 3AR 

  • join the online public meeting: 6.30pm to 7.30pm, Thursday 14 December, please email:  to receive a link to a Microsoft Teams meeting, please email  

Installation of lighting on The Crescent (under railway bridge) 

This work has now been completed which will now mean safer access as a result of the newly installed lights and should encourage walking and cycling on the route. 

Linden Park and Milwain Road  

The legal consultation process of Traffic Regulation Order for proposals on Linden Park and Milwain Road has now ended. People who have participated will now be contacted and informed of the final decision to proceed with the proposed measures. Installation of the modal filters to commence early 2024, once a Contractor has been appointed. Further update would be provided to residents closer to the installation. 

You can download the final design for measure.  

Upon installation, we must ensure that emergency services and maintenance / refuse collection vehicles can continue to drive down the road and pass through the filter by removing the bollard. We would therefore ask that residents living in this area keep the carriageway clear and park their cars responsibly to allow access for these larger vehicles as and when required. 

Installation of the rest of the Phase 2 schemes 

We have been busy carrying out some essential drainage repair in preparation for our Phase 2 schemes. We are currently in the process of appointing a contractor to oversee installation of the remaining measures. Once this is complete, we should be able to update on timescales/phased delivery, early in the new year, with planned improvement works on Broom Lane and Burnage Lane/ Crossley Road Junction likely to be among the first on site.  View the Phase 2 plans.  

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