Ancoats Dispensary
The £10 million redevelopment of the Ancoats Dispensary has developed what remains of the former hospital into 39 one and two bed apartments which are available for affordable rent.
Delivered in partnership with Manchester City Council, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), Homes England, and Contractors Eric Wright the project has preserved as much of the original Grade 2 listed facade as possible, including the Old Mill Street and Lampwick Lane facades.
Great Places has worked on the proposals with a variety of stakeholders, including Manchester Life who are developing a number of sites in the area, as well as the Ancoats Dispensary Trust. The Dispensary was built in 1874 to provide healthcare for the city’s growing population alongside the Royal Infirmary. The local landmark remained in use until 1989 but has been vacant until the start of this project. We are now ready to welcome the first residents in Spring 2024.
For out of hours enquiries call 07795173003.