Oriental cockroach actual size 22mm
German cockroach actual size 12mm
General information:
Cockroaches are large robust insects with whip-like antennae and two pairs of wings. The most common species found in the UK are the Oriental and German cockroaches. They prefer warm moist conditions of 20-33 degrees. As they are nocturnal, they spend the daytime hiding in cracks and crevices in areas such as sinks, drains, cookers, backs of cupboards, and around fridge motores. Oriental cockroaches can also be found in cooler and less humid conditions such as drains and basements.
Product information:
All the insecticides we use are biodegradable and are of very low toxicity to people and animals.
Treatments of cockroaches:
Several visits may be necessary for the treatment to be successful. Therefore you must ensure that you are available at the address for all appointments booked as part of the treatment.
Treatment will be carried out by applying a residual insecticide paste to all affected areas. E.g. behind the sink unit, around fridge motors, washing machines, skirting-boards, waste pipes and small cracks/crevices in the structure. Cardboard monitoring traps may be used to identify the volume and type of cockroach and inform how successful the ongoing treatment is.
A high standard of hygiene is extremely important as this will deny the insect food. To reduce the risk of harbouring cockroaches, all cracks and crevices should be sealed, particularly in food preparation areas.
Safety information:
- Keep children and pets away from the insecticide and the treated area(s) and do not allow the insecticide to come into contact with the mouth;
- If the insecticidal dust is eaten or gets in the mouth, wash out the mouth of the affected person with water and keep them still. Do not try to induce vomiting. Get immediate medical advice;
- If the insecticidal dust is inhaled, move to fresh air, and obtain medical advice;
- If skin comes into contact with insecticidal dust, it should be rinsed with soap and water;
- If the insecticidal dust gets into the eyes, rinse with clean running water for 15 minutes and obtain medical advice;
- If insecticidal dust is eaten or affects domestic animals, obtain veterinary advice;
- If clothing or soft materials have been in contact with the treated area, the items should be cleaned following the manufacturer’s instructions;
- If polished or non-absorbent surfaces come into contact with the treated area, clean as normal; or
- If the insecticide comes into contact with plants, it should not damage them as the product is completely biodegradable. If there is contact with edible plants, these plants should not be eaten.
If you have a problem with cockroaches, we can help.